
구연 2023.10.26

13:00-14:20 113호

Moderator 이경룡(건국의대) 구연 1 Resuscitation
  • 구연1-1 The relationship between serum osmolality and urine osmolality in predicting neurological outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients 허완영(전남의대)
  • 구연1-2 Investigation of alterations in cerebral microcirculation and the responsible circulating cell in a mouse cardiac arrest model 엄영우(서울의대)
  • 구연1-3 Association between QRS characteristics in pulseless electrical activity rhythm of electrocardiography and survival outcome in cardiac arrest patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis 김재환(중앙의대)
  • 구연1-4 Trends and prognostic abilities of the arterial blood gas analysis during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients 김준성(울산의대)
  • 구연1-5 Role of diastolic blood pressures monitoring during cardiopulmonary resuscitations:: a preplanned secondary analysis of the augmented medication cardio pulmonary resuscitation (AMCPR) trial 정희용(울산의대)
  • 구연1-6 심정지 후 환자에서 고품질 TTM의 구현과 신경학적 결과 사이의 상관관계 권성호(가톨릭의대)

13:00-14:20 114호

Moderator 강형구(한양의대) 구연 2 Cardiovascular
  • 구연2-1 Discrimination between ventricular tachycardia and wide-QRS preexcited tachycardia 이재훈(동아의대)
  • 구연2-2 Hyperkalemia detection in emergency departments using initial ECGs: A smartphone AI ECG analyzer vs. board-certified physicians 김동훈(서울의대)
  • 구연2-3 Effect of COVID-19 on the treatment process of ST elevation myocardial infarction patients in emergency department according to having COVID-19-related symptoms or not - a retrospective multi-center cohort study. 박준범(순천향의대)
  • 구연2-4 Non-inferiority analysis of mobile ECG analyzer vs. POCUS for screening left ventricular dysfunction in the emergency department 김진희(서울의대)
  • 구연2-5 Do death certificate errors decrease as clinical experience in an emergency department increases? 김정준(울산의대)

13:00-14:20 115호

Moderator 권운용(서울의대) 구연 3 Critical care
  • 구연3-1 The effects of mitochondrial transplantation on sepsis depend on the type of cell from which they are isolated 김규석(차의대)
  • 구연3-2 Predicting immune status of individual human monocytes using machine learning assisted-holotomography 김규석(차의대)
  • 구연3-3 Advanced age and neurological recovery in elderly patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest treated with targeted temperature management: A nationwide population-based registry study 2016-2020 권효정(울산의대)
  • 구연3-4 Failure prediction of high flow nasal cannula at conventional oxygen therapy phase 강영훈(연세의대)
  • 구연3-5 Discrimination of mild hypovolemia in spontaneously breathing patients with hemodynamic stability 이재훈(동아의대)
  • 구연3-6 Point-of-care testing lactate is a fast and useful prognosis predictor of acute gastrointestinal bleeding patients in emergency department 차민수(가톨릭의대)

14:40-16:00 113호

Moderator 염석란(부산의대) 구연 4 Resuscitation
  • 구연4-1 Quantitative analysis of apparent diffusion coefficients to predict neurological prognosis in cardiac arrest survivors: an observational derivation and internal- external validation study 윤정아(충남의대)
  • 구연4-2 Association between initial fibrinogen levels and massive transfusion in emergency department patients with primary postpartum hemorrhage 박성민(울산의대)
  • 구연4-3 Association between gray-to-white matter ratio values in early brain CT and neurological outcomes in survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest based on hypoxic?ischemic brain injury severity Sidonio J. da Silva(충남의대)
  • 구연4-4 심폐소생술 중 에피네프린 반복 투여에 따른 혈역학적 효과 차경철(연세원주의대)
  • 구연4-5 Association between quantitative analysis of cerebral edema using CT imaging and neurological outcomes in cardiac arrest survivors 박정수(충남의대)
  • 구연4-6 Clinical significance of ultra-early minimum intensity projection images in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors: A preliminary retrospective cohort study 민진홍(충남의대)

14:40-16:00 114호

Moderator 정진우(동아의대) 구연 5 Others
  • 구연5-1 The effect of shoulder muscle succinylcholine injection on foreleg raising power (Sion’s local paralysis): A second experiment 조시온(중앙보훈병원)
  • 구연5-2 울산광역시 비외상 성인 병원밖 심정지 환자에서 지역의 고령화가 예후에 미치는 영향 김선휴(울산의대)
  • 구연5-3 Impact of covid-19 on suicidal attempts identified by face-to-face interviews. 안태규(인하의대)
  • 구연5-4 비디오 후두경을 이용한 삽관 경험에 따른 기관 삽관 성공률 민혜준(한양의대)
  • 구연5-5 The accuracy of NEDOCS in the COVID-19 pandemic and influencing variables introduction 박준세(순천향의대)
  • 구연5-6 Effect of blade size on the first-pass success rate of endotracheal intubation using the C-MAC video laryngoscope 박정용(성균관의대)

14:40-16:00 115호

Moderator 윤재철(전북의대) 구연 6 Imaging
  • 구연6-1 Characteristics of non-conventional notification for actionable brain radiologic findings at emergency department 이지훈(울산의대)
  • 구연6-2 인공지능알고리즘 CT 판독기반 급성뇌졸중 선별시스템을 활용한 응급실내 처치시간의 감소효과 최우성(가천의대)
  • 구연6-3 The effect of deep learning-based assistive algorithm of brain computed tomography for intracranial haemorrhage on interpretation and decision-making in emergency medical professionals: A simulation-based prospective Interventional Study 최소연(연세의대)
  • 구연6-4 Effect of multimodal diagnostic approach using deep learning-based automated detection algorithm for active pulmonary tuberculosis 김지훈(연세의대)
  • 구연6-5 Comparison of predictors for prognostication in early brain computed tomography of patients with cardiac arrest 이재훈(동아의대)

16:20-17:40 113호

Moderator 김선표(조선의대) 구연 7 Emergency medical service
  • 구연7-1 충청남도 사망·중상 교통사고 발생특성에 따른 지역별 군집유형 분석 노을희(국립중앙의료원)
  • 구연7-2 일개 광역시 비외상 성인 병원밖 심정지 환자에서 병원전 정맥로 확보와 에피네프린 사용이 생존결과에 미치는 영향 최병호(울산의대)
  • 구연7-3 Trend of prehospital mechanical cardiopulmonary resuscitation among out-of- hospital cardiac arrest: Nationwide observational study 김재현(서울의대)
  • 구연7-4 Temporal analysis of Emergency Medical Service Time Intervals among out-of- hospital cardiac arrest patients 송소라(서울의대)
  • 구연7-5 Disparity of adherence to guideline of prehospital care according to patient age in emergency medical service assessed severe trauma 안은선(서울의대)

16:20-17:40 114호

Moderator 전우찬(인제의대) 구연 8 Others
  • 구연8-1 Relationship between transfer of intentionally injured patients to a trauma center and survival rate 우 진(경희의대)
  • 구연8-2 Regional variation and outcome of Pediatric Out-of-Hospital cardiac arrest in Korea 윤인애(서울의대)
  • 구연8-3 Early prediction of acute deterioration in emergency room and general ward patients using artificial intelligence 이대환(성균관의대)
  • 구연8-4 Early diagnosis of Kawasaki Disease using AI-based diagnostic software: Focused on short-term fever cases 정승은(서울의대)
  • 구연8-5 The impact of emergency department based SBIRT program for homeless patients 박경석(서울의대)
  • 구연8-6 An augmented reality mobile application for weight estimation in pediatric patients: A prospective single-blinded cross-sectional study 한상수(순천향의대)

16:20-17:40 115호

Moderator 유제성(연세의대) 구연 9 Critical care
  • 구연9-1 Development and derivation of bacteremia prediction model in patients with hepatobiliary infection 최정원(차의대)
  • 구연9-2 D-dimer in suspecting non-cardiac causes in patients with chest symptoms 이재훈(동아의대)
  • 구연9-3 Investigation of dynamic changes in soluble triggering receptor expressed on Myeloid cells-1 in serum of sepsis patients according to antibiotics susceptibility 엄영우(서울의대)
  • 구연9-4 Early prediction for acute kidney injury using multi-task deep learning among critically ill patients 송주현(고려의대)
  • 구연9-5 Early prediction for septic shock using a clinically applicable prediction model and subtyping of risk trajectories 송주현(고려의대)
  • 구연9-6 Diagnostic accuracy of plasma renin and renin activity in predicting mortality and renal outcomes in septic shock patients with hypoperfusion or hypotension 이건탁(성균관의대)

(04510) 서울특별시 중구 청파로 464, 101동 3104호 (중림동, 브라운스톤서울)